It's tempting at the beginning of a new month, especially a new month which has a much anticipated Big Finish release - well, much anticipated by me at least - to think that things are 'back to normal'. Last month of course, there wasn't a BF release to talk about. But what constitutes 'normal'? For a freelance actor like me, there isn't really a 'normal', as anything could happen at any time or, as was the case in September,
nothing could happen at any time. That's not strictly true of course, but after a very busy year so far, last month was a bit of a damp squib -
damp indeed!
September therefore became a time to concentrate on putting out feelers and making applications in the hope that, at some point, more work would materialise as a result. I've always found work to be utterly addictive and there's never enough; however busy I am, I'm never busy enough, there's always more I could be doing and more I want to do.
Speaking of which, in last month's posting, I mentioned that my friend
Rachel Illingworth was busy directing a new play,
Boards, for this year's
Off Cut Festival at
The Riverside Studios and assisting on
Women Laughing, which opens this week at
The Old Red Lion in Islington.
In addition to those two productions (and holding down a regular job!) Rachel has also started work on another production at The ORL which starts rehearsals next week - a busy time indeed!
Details on this e-flyer > > >
I saw
Boards last week and thought Rachel had done a fantastic job of directing her three young actors and getting the most out of an interesting and quirky script. I'm now very much looking forward to seeing the next two productions in her 'autumn season'.
And so, October is upon us and what's new?
Doctor Who: The Acheron Pulse is what's new and here are the details:
The planet Cawdor. Deep in the heart of the Drashani Empire.
The Doctor lands thirty years after the Succession of Blood brought
Empress Cheni to the throne. For most of her reign there has been peace
and prosperity. The Empire flourished. But five years ago, the War came.
And nothing was ever the same again. Now the Drashani are at war with
the mysterious alien race known as the Wrath, led by the Warlord
Tenebris. As more and more planets fall to their advance events are
rushing to a head.
What exactly does Tenebris want? What is the secret of the Wrath's
weapon, the terrifying Acheron Pulse? As the Doctor races to save an
Empire, he may not like the answers he finds.
Colin Baker The Doctor James Wilby Tenebris
Joseph Kloska Dukhin Jane Slavin Teesha Chris Porter Vincol John Banks Boritz
Chook Sibtain Athrid Carol Noakes Olerik
Kirsty Besterman
Written By: Rick Briggs Directed By: Ken Bentley
Nick Briggs Colin Baker James Wilby
Jason Haigh-Ellery Jane Slavin John Banks Chris Porter
Once again, I had a hugely enjoyable time working on this production and I'm really looking forward to listening to it, not least because Moat Studios recording engineer supreme, Mr. Toby Hrycek-Robinson, has created the sound design and composed the music - a first in my experience and I can't wait to hear it.

I also thoroughly enjoyed working with such a distinguished company of actors. Headed by the brilliant Colin Baker, the cast also includes James Wilby, well known from numerous high profile film & television appearances and Jane Slavin, who, as well as being fantastically good at her job, was also wickedly funny throughout our time together. Joseph Kloska was great fun to work with and is a vastly experienced voice actor; I was delighted to work with Chris and Chook again and equally delighted to work, for the first time, with Kirsty Besterman.
Colin James ... and Carol
It was a particular pleasure to work with Carol Noakes again - after a gap of twenty-five years! In 1987, we toured together in a stage production of Much Ado About Nothing and became good pals. But the nature of the business meant that, after a while, we lost touch with each other and so it was just great to catch up with Carol and work with her again after so long.
Having now mentioned just about everybody involved in the production, it would be unfair not to also congratulate Rick Briggs for such a fine script and to thank 'semi-mythical directing legend' Ken Bentley, who always creates such a wonderfully conducive working environment. What fun!
All for now - more news as it happens!
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